Singing Guide: Little by Little

Singing Guide: Little by Little

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're a fan of Dusty Springfield, you might want to learn how to sing like her. Her soulful voice and emotional delivery are loved by audiences worldwide.

To sound like her, you'll need to focus on your breath control, tone quality, and expressiveness.

First, familiarize yourself with Dusty's vocal technique by listening to her recordings and paying attention to how she breathes and shapes her vowels. Dusty's use of twang and vibrato are notable elements of her style, so consider practicing these techniques using Singing Carrots' Twang and Vibrato exercises to help develop your own twang and vibrato control.

Next, practice singing in your chest voice as much as possible, as this is a key element of Dusty's unique sound. Singing Carrots' Chest Voice Explained video can help you to understand the mechanics of chest voice and how to use it correctly.

In terms of emotional expression, Dusty was known for her ability to convey raw, powerful emotions through her voice. Singing Carrots' Relaxing Breath exercise video can help you learn how to control your emotions while singing. It teaches techniques for relaxation and stress reduction that can help you achieve greater expressiveness in your performances.

In addition to her unique vocal style and technique, Dusty Springfield was known for her signature songs, such as "Son of a Preacher Man" and "The Look of Love." When learning how to sing like Dusty, consider practicing these songs to get a feel for her style and to put your new vocal skills into practice.

For more vocal training resources, Singing Carrots offers a wide range of tools and exercises, such as pitch accuracy testing, pitch training games, and vocal range testing.

Visit Singing Carrots website to try all the different resources that will help you improve your singing, develop your vocal abilities, and learn to sing like legendary singers like Dusty Springfield.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.